Reviews by Anonymous

Tormentum - Dark Sorrow

High-end point and click adventure.

I'm not always into point and click, but this is one of the better ones out there. The art work is really the big seller here, as the whole game looks amazing. The gameplay is decent and the story is a solid selling point. Check it out.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Pickers: Adventures in Rust

Great combo of hidden object and management games.

I'm a fan of a good hidden object game, but typically they are just find what they ask for and move on. With pickers, you get to actually find usefulness with what you find. You look for only specific items to begin with, which can then trigger hidden object games. Kind of a hidden object game, inside of a hidden object game. Eventually you end up with a haul of object that you choose, which then allows you to sell them and auction them off, making your business money. You get bonuses by following their suggestions. It really feels like 2 genres, blended seamlessly into one. I like it.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Surfs Up! DLC

A decent mission, referencing Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

You might see many Tropico DLCs out there and this one might not be special, but a collector, such as myself, wants them all. The standard setup is a new costume, new mission, and a new building, with a sandbox mode added. This then ends up being all about how much fun is the mission and how useful is the building? In this case, the building is mostly useless, but the mission makes it worth it. I would get it, if the price is right.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Supercomputer DLC

Useful and fun DLC, at the very least.

Maybe not the best or most packed with features, but the Supercomputer building runs without workers and can be very useful in certain setups. The mission is solid, nothing spectacular. I recommend checking it out, if the price is right.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Joint Venture DLC

Helps with tourism.

One can always use more tourism buildings in the game and the locals can even use the fast-food joint that comes with it. That alone makes it an alright DLC. The scenario is alright, so overall, worth checking out.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Supervillian DLC

A fun building and an alright mission.

I think the fun that comes with the building is the seller, here. You get a giant laser, that you can actually aim and control. The problem is that it costs money to fire and maintain, plus it is slow to charge. Still, paired with a decent mission, you might as well get it.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Gone Green DLC

Alright DLC, for the right setup.

The Tropico DLC releases typically offer a mission and a building, plus a few things you probably don't care about. Some people like to say that they are useless, but the truth is that there is almost always a use for the building, which shows how advanced a game like this can be. In this case, you might hear that the mission isn't much, but the building actually can be useful. You need power, but don't always have college educated people to run it? If you don't, then an alternate source can be the wind power that you get from this DLC.

Will you need it every time? No. Maybe once in a while. Nice to have if you do, though.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Firefighters 2014: The Simulation Game

Not awful, not great.

I was drawn in by the fact that it has achievements on Steam. Not common for this type of game. The actual game isn't great, but I did enjoy it for some time. It's a bit buggy and could be more one of those games that gets better each year, but still, you get roll around, fighting fires. Could be worse. ;D

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: Inquisition DLC

Maybe the worst Tropico 5 DLC.

The problem with this DLC, compared to the other similarly priced ones, is that the building is completely useless. Perhaps the mission could have saved it, but that is a bit too much on the boring side. Perhaps the only DLC they did that really doesn't have a positive. Still something a completionist or a collector to get.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Tropico 5: The Big Cheese DLC

Not awful, but not their best DLC.

Perhaps a bit of a miss, but still alright. It was a preorder bonus, that they made available to the rest of the people after the release. It adds a story that some aren't into and a building that isn't particularly useful for money making. Worth getting if you want the DLCs for the game or if you find the right price.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense

Hit or miss.

This isn't necessarily for everyone, as the approach may upset what you have already done in the game. Devotion does make things interesting, allowing certain nation to be controlled in new ways. I do think some will like it and if you have the right setup choice, Common Sense could impact it in a major way. Check it out.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords Content Pack

Solid enough, if you play the game.

New unit models and potraits. Not suprising. Still new Mongol unit models make this one worth checking out. If the price is right, you might as well get it. If you are here, you are either playing the game or a collector, so how can you argue?

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

World of Diving

Great idea for a game.

I do think this sounds like a really good game and for a while, it was considered just that. Since then, there haven't been a lot of updates and people are reporting problems. Does that mean don't get it? No. For the most part, what is there isn't too bad. Just know what you are getting yourself into. It is still in Early Access and may be there for all of eternity. Still an alright diving game that will be better if you have a VR setup.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Airport Simulator 2015

Better than 2014

With a game like this, at least you can say you are seeing improvements. Yes, it isn't good, but you do get achievements and might have an alright time getting them. If you see a good price on it, you might as well pick it up.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Dungeons 2 - A Song of Sand and Fire DLC

Nice maps

Not as much that you can do, as they claim, but you still get 3 new maps and that is alright, for the price. The game gets better with each new map you add to it, so I can't complain about these. Worth the low price.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Worlds of Magic

Work in progress.

Each patch has made it a little better, as it is a very buggy game. What you can play of it, it is actually pretty solid. It comes with 86 achievements and 2 free DLCs, so you get an alright value, if you catch a sale. Worth checking out.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Mystery Maze Of Balthasar Castle

Alright fun, but buggy.

This game isn't completely awful, but it is buggy. Any positives can be outweighed by the many negatives you will run into. Still, it is ok and might be alright for children. If the price is right, could be a good game to collect.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016


Short, but fun game.

You might get 5 hours of gameplay out of this, but it should be an enjoyable five hours. Interactive fiction isn't for everyone, but the whole party based system, with a good story, actually make it work well. It's worth a try.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016


Good, but buggy.

This game has potential. The graphics aren't bad, the gameplay is pretty fun, and the story is solid. The problem is that it is a bit buggy. Maybe Poncho 2 will end up being a great game, if it is ever made, but this is kind of average or maybe a tick above.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

Coast Guard

Average game, but has potential.

You might find some things to not like, such as the voice acting and the handling of the Coast Guard part of it, but the game is an alright simulator and it does have some nice ideas. Once you get going, you realize the potential of it all and if they make more games, they should be pretty solid. Check it out, if you get a good price.

by Anonymous, USA - Mar 13th 2016

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