Real nice, but not perfect
I have only played the campain mode. So this review cover only that part.
I love this kind of game. You create different kind of facillities like a fire station, or an iron mine. In some cases you need two or thee kind of facilities to get a usefull output, like a smelt that take raw iron, and creat steel, then a smithy that crete pick-axes from steel.
There are a set of different scenarios, each modelling a new town, and each with it's own goals (victory conditions). What differs this game from similar is that for each scenario you have a selected set of facilities to build. Something that is introduced in one town, may not be possible to use in another.
I give it 4 stars, since the usability could be a little better. E.g. there is a window that list what goods you have. It has a fixed limited rise, and if you have to manny goods you must change page. You cannit scroll, nor make that page bigger.