Reviews |

Reviews by Carnage P.

Cities: Skylines - Country Road Radio

Well worth it


Jokes aside, it's decent if you're into this sort of thing.

by Carnage P., United Kingdom - Apr 15th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Concerts

It's very good

Adds 3 new buildings to help flush out your tourist areas and bring in extra money, and sadly extra traffic

by Carnage P., United Kingdom - Apr 15th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Rock City Radio

Thumbs up

The songs are pretty solid, the DJ is chatty, new commercials sarcastic - enough to get the good old Vice City feeling.

by Carnage P., United Kingdom - Apr 15th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Snowfall

It's quite good

Adds a whole new challenge with new unique buildings as well.
Could've been better if there were seasons instead of just winter, or just basic summer.

by Carnage P., United Kingdom - Apr 15th 2021

Journey of a Roach


I really enjoyed playing this game, though it'S more for kids.
The Movement really made me feel like a roach ;D

by Carnage P., United Kingdom - Apr 3rd 2021

Stellaris: Federations


It is my favorite DLC in a while on account of the fact that it makes playing pacifist much more viable and interesting.

by Carnage P., - Mar 20th 2021

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