Reviews by eyedigapony

Gone Home

Amazing Narrative, Good Game

The atmosphere and setting were wonderful and effectivly added to the mood and story. The house seemed believable and inviting as well as haunting and mysterious that lent a superb sense of eeriness to the exploration. Sam's story unfolds at a perfect steady pace and never seems forced or unbelievable. Subtle nuisances to the decore and items placed through out really add great depth and forsight into the characters and their actions. I was born in 1987 so a few of the references to the 90s were lost on me but it seemed familar enough to instill a bit of nostalgia. My only complaint is that it was a bit short. I found almost everything in the house and (based on internet searches) discovered 95% of the story and the game only clocked in at about 2:30. I also think the gaming aspect of the game could have been enhanced a wee bit but I understand its omission because the story really takes center stage. Fanatsic experience overall.

by eyedigapony, USA - Mar 5th 2014

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