Best holiday themed game!
NEW COMMENT: I purchased the game and was not disappointed. A bonus game is included at the end, and I found it fun "collecting" the various puzzle pieces and finding all the extras in each environment.
I played the demo of this game and will definitely be purchasing based on what I've played so far. So many of the hidden object or adventure games with puzzles today have some sort of mystery you have to solve, some if not lots of gore or some evil you have to destroy, with grim settings, etc. I love this game due to it being a breath of fresh air from those typical games of this genre. It gives you a magical holiday feel, with colorful settings, a lot of game play (rather than watching cut scene after cut scene), and even though the puzzles seem more on the easy side, the demo immersed me enough to enjoy wanting to purchase it. And btw, at the main menu, there appear to be a lot of extras you can unlock (including a bonus game) with the collector's edition. Wish MORE games would be like this and not so focused on the dark, mystery, murder-solving crime sprees like most out there.