An intriguing idea, but lacking in substance

Being a young single male who likes games and beautiful women, I was naturally intrigued. This is a basic video poker type game where your lovely computer opponent exchanges her few garments for additional funds as you win. For the first few minutes it was exciting, as I was eager to win. However, the lame computer AI quickly made the poker aspect of the game quite dull, and the only incentive to continue was to earn the next picture. All I had to do to win was to wait for a good hand and then bet a lot.
As a poker game, this is not even mediocre for the price. There are much better free games out there.
As for the 'graphics', they were quite enjoyable. However, you can get such graphics elsewhere, again without having to pay.
This game gets average marks for its clever idea and its added incentive to keep playing. But really, it's not worth buying, even if it were at a lower price.