Perhaps not great, but still enjoyable and thus recommended.

Synopsis: 7/10; you're in the shoes of the chief of police, and should thus set the standard in ethics and morality...and yet, you are faced with some, shall we say, 'interesting' choices/decisions...
The main objective of this game is to determine whether to respond to calls made by citizens requesting the help of police, and which policemen to send if you decide it's something worthy of investigation and not some sort of prank call (thus wasting precious resources, in terms of policemen that could have been used for genuine emergencies). You also need to solve cases using detectives, essentially by trying to guess the correct sequence of events and then arresting the perpetrator.
Thankfully, it's not that simple; while the calls you receive are pre-determined (so you could cheat and look up the proper approaches online if so desired), you get to choose the police and detectives that you recruit. Moreover, as the game progresses, you also need to consider the interactions among policemen, finances, and are faced with making some interesting choices...although I don't want to spoil your fun, so I won't comment much further.
I would stop short of calling it a great game, chiefly because there is an element of repetition that may become a-bit tedious, but it is certainly a very good game imho; the simplicity in learning the basics, the storyline, the good music, and the simple yet appealing graphics all combine to make an enjoyable experience.