Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker |

Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker

  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 1
  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 2
  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 3
  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 4
  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 5
  • Deadly Puzzles: Toymaker Screenshot 6

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64bit SupportYes
CPU TypeIntel (or Apple Silicon ‡)
CPU Cores2
CPU Speed1 GHz
System RAM256 MB
Drive SpaceUnknown
Video RAMAny
Important Notes:
  • ‡ This game requires Rosetta 2 installed to play on an Apple Silicon Mac.

Reviews & Comments

From 2 Shoppers
  1. Senza infamia e senza lode

    La storia è solo un pretesto per catapultarci in una girandola di scene con oggetti nascosti e mini-giochi. Se amate il genere, è il gioco che fa per voi, senza infamia e senza lode... per qualche ora di puro passatempo. Scene, mini-giochi e musiche sono ben fatte, non aspettatevi molto altro oltre a questo. Sono adorabili la presenza del logo di Artifex Mundi e diverse citazioni "colte" cinematografiche e di games in alcune scene. La testimonianza che anche gli sviluppatori hanno un'anima!

    [The story is just an excuse to catapult us into a whirlwind of hidden object scenes and mini-games. If you love the genre, it is the game for you, without infamy and without praise ... for a few hours of pure pastime. Scenes, mini-games and music are well done, do not expect much more than that. They are adorable presence of Artifex Mundi logo and different quotes "educated" film and games in some scenes. The witness that the developers have a soul!]

    by Roberto Guarchi, Italy - Apr 17th 2017
  2. Demo was tedious enough

    One of the most boring HO games I have played..the graphics are not particularly great, there is barely a storyline to hang the endlessly repetitive unchallenging HO scenes on

    by Moo, France - Sep 26th 2014

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