Acceptable noir crime adventure story

What we have here is an point and click adventure game about a couple in love, in the 1950's San Francisco. One of the main characters is shipped off to Alcatraz, and has to find his way off the island, while his girlfriend is coping with her friends and gangster enemies in the city.
It is a pretty straight forward point and click adventure game, with no major surprises.
Pros: Overall, a quite well written story that will keep you entertained throughout, with a hard gangster/noir setting to it. The game features some really well done 3D models that just oozes character, which really helps puts its mark on the overall feel of the game, and I feel these are the highlight of the game. You can at any time (more or less) switch between the two main characters, which makes for a nice change of setting once in a while, as their individual stories won't cross until the very last minute of the game.
Cons: Background quality designs are quite old by now, and the animations are also quite stiff, although both do the job. There are quite a few times where you are expected to do something that is absolutely not clear or explained, which takes quite a bit out of the gameplay, as you will likely have to use a walkthrough. I am used to puzzles in these games that can't be figured out easily, but way too many deus-ex-machina examples in this one to make it a great experience. Most puzzles are very straight forward, and not very complex.
Overall, a fine adventure with a great setting and awesome characters, hampered by a game that could have used a bit more polish. If you like adventure gams, chances are you'll enjoy this.