Good story line but artwork and lack of animation let the game down.

I liked the story line a lot, the whole magic/Houndini thing held a lot of potential but the game was let down by the artwork and the limited puzzles. Most scenes were dark and lacking colour or detail with few interactive areas. Animation sequences were few and far between and pretty dissapointing. There were lots of areas but no map so you had to do a lot of wandering about to get to the next active zone. There was a journal that recorded useful information. I particularily liked the silent movie films that you collected to view in the cinema room, except that they were stills rather than moving film, but the idea was good. The puzzles were rather poor and not very attractive or enjoyable. Despite being pitched at woman (you play the heroine trying to save her boyfriend) I found that the game got more and more tool orientated as it progressed with you searching for generators, belts, isolators, sensors etc. Considering this was meant to be the world of magic it felt more like a the world of mechanics in a dingy garage. That said I played it to the end, and even started the bonus chapter but that was much worse than the main game so I just decided not to waste my time. It started with a puzzle that you had already played twice in the main game (sliding lock blocks) and then went into mending a lift (Yawn). Sorry but this was meant to be the world of magic and I felt dissapointed. There are better games out there, but some will still enjoy this.