Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate |

Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate

Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate
Please note, this game will not run on Macs with macOS 10.15 or newer.
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 1
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 2
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 3
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 4
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 5
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 6
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 7
  • Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate Screenshot 8

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64bit SupportNo
CPU TypeIntel Mac Only
CPU CoresAny
CPU SpeedAny
System RAMAny
Drive SpaceUnknown
Video RAMAny

Reviews & Comments

From 13 Shoppers
  1. Deludente

    Un gioco deludente che dice ben poco, decisamente sotto il livello di gran parte dei games Alawar. Di certo risente del tempo che è passato dalla sua pubblicazione, ma soprattutto non offre alcun stimolo particolare. Le scene con oggetti nascosti sono irragionevoli e fanno rimpiangere di aver effettuato l'acquisto. Una sola stella, perché nessuna stella non è prevista!

    [A disappointing game that says very little, well below the level of most of the games Alawar. Certainly it reflects the time that has passed since its publication, but most do not offer any particular stimulus. The hidden object scenes are unreasonable and do regret having made the purchase. One star, because no star is not planned!]

    by Roberto Guarchi, Italy - Jan 29th 2017
  2. Meh

    Old fashioned style of hidden object game/adventure. The game does not flow or play well, the hogs are not very interesting or colourful. When new locations or objects appeared, I felt frustrated because you just felt too far away from the detail. Art work not attractive. Just found it frustrating and lost interest quickly. There are many better versions of this genre out there.

    by josiejay, United Kingdom - Mar 8th 2016

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