It is only okay

I played this game for quite a while and find it gets a little boring.
by Sandy Nye, USA - Sep 8th 2014
Release Date | 8/31/2010 |
Genre | Board & Card |
Publisher | Youda Games |
DRM · Service | MacGameStore App |
Version | 2.4.2 |
Languages | English |
Mac Reqs | Minimum Supported | Will It Run? |
Mac OS | 10.5.8 | Download the MacGameStore App to compare your Mac's information in real-time.![]() |
64bit Support | No | |
CPU Type | Universal (PPC/Intel) | |
CPU Cores | Any | |
CPU Speed | Any | |
System RAM | Any | |
Drive Space | Unknown | |
Video RAM | Any |
I played this game for quite a while and find it gets a little boring.
Dieses Pokerspiel ist nett gestaltet und die Story drumherum tut ihr übriges für einen abwechslungsreichen Pokernachmittag... wird nicht so schnell langweilig, wie die üblichen Pokerspiele, bei denen man "nur" Pokert - wer das allerdings möchte, ist hier fehl am Platz.
This poker game is nicely designed and the story around it does the rest for a fun afternoon poker ... is not as boring as the usual poker games where you "only" Poker t - who wants that, however, is out of place here.