Have to do an unorthodoxed way of fixing the game, but it works!

The game will boot up in a minimized, smaller window; seemingly soft locking the computer (can't even force quit.) But surpirsingly, the game is open but not displaying. I originally thought you had to put your Mac into sleep mode to get out of that window, but you simply just have to click the side of the screen. Opening it back up from the dock should display correctly.
Like other PlayFirst games, some of their cutscenes rely on Flash, which was discontinued years ago. Luckily for this game, you can just click past them like they were there. You can remove them manually by going into the files. I've posted how to do that on multiple PlayFirst store pages that require you to do it.
In terms of the game, it's alright. Not bad, but also not good. Just another PlayFirst time management game. Only difference is the quick swap mechanic; switching a baby out with another baby, with a bonus if they're both a boy or girl.