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Reviews by Nickie

Rescue Team 3

Rescue Team 3

I love this game and have played it over and over. Thanks for putting this out for us to enjoy!

by Nickie, Canada - May 12th 2014

Rescue Team 2

Rescue Team 2

Wonderful game. Thanks for creating these. I have the set of 3.

by Nickie, Canada - May 12th 2014

Jane Austen's Estate of Affairs

Jane Austen's Estate of Affairs

What an interesting game and I'm so happy that I purchased it. Have played it many times.

by Nickie, Canada - May 12th 2014

Golden Trails 3: The Guardian's Creed

Golden Trails 3: The Guardian Creed

I loved this game and the entire Golden Trail Trilogy. So interesting and absorbing. Thanks.

by Nickie, Canada - May 12th 2014

Rush for Gold: California

Rush for Gold: California

This game is one great and interesting way to release stress and have fun and the same time. Thanks for putting it out. I have played it about ten times already. Like the Rush for Gold: Alaska, too.

by Nickie, Canada - May 11th 2014

Secret of the Lost Cavern

Secret of the Lost Cavern

I purchased this game and couldn't get out of the cave!!!!! I tried 20 times and I still can't use this game. It may be a real good one but I can't use it.

by Nickie, Canada - May 11th 2014



I like this game but wish there was a 'hint' button. I find it difficult to add buildings like the 'Placer' buildings, they won't let me put them down. The icon for them remains red. This is tedious but I am a new player to this type of game. I'll have to stay away from this in the future.

by Nickie, Canada - May 11th 2014

Feeding Frenzy

Feeding frenzy

I love the game but lost it somehow and it says I purchased it and I cannot retrieve it. I have the receipt in email and have an order number but still........

by Nickie, Canada - May 8th 2014

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