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Reviews by ack5ter

Airport Madness 3D: Volume 2


Much prefer the earlier games. The developers seem to be adding features that are overcomplicating a simple game. Has got very clunky interface wise. An iOS game trying to be a desktop one...

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Nov 25th 2018

Cities: Skylines - Green Cities

Useful DLC for once

Very useful DLC and definite buy if you can catch it in a sale. Gives you more to manage, but also adds an extra dimension to city management.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Nov 25th 2018

Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit

Superb DLC

This is a must buy as it gives the player the capability to sort out traffic problems, which by the way, have persisted since the vanilla version.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 11th 2018

Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI: Rise and Fall

Civ 6 steps up

A lot of minor additions to the base game in this DLC that if taken individually don't seem to add a lot. When added together they really make a difference.

Wish they would sort out the computer AI though which I thought would be done in this one!

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 11th 2018

Train Valley

Train Track addictiveness

Got this in a Sale, not really something I'd play normally, but once you start, hard to stop. Complete a level, then try to do it better, this is just so addictive. Didn't stop till I completed all the tracks. Great time waster.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition

Great RPG

Very easy to immerse yourself into a great story. Lot's of reading but never boring. Not quite as good as Divinity Original Sin in the combat department but well worth buying if you love RPG's.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part I

Pillars Marches On

Adds more to the Pillars of Eternity world, more story, more features and if you already own Pillars a must buy.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Sid Meier's Civilization® VI: Digital Deluxe Edition

Worth The Wait

I have played Civ 5 extensively and really held off buying this as all Civ games seem to be missing features and tweaks on release. When the digital deluxe version came on sale for $35 I couldn't resist.

I absolutely loved Civ 5 but as I have been getting used to the new game mechanics and graphics this is really starting to drag me in all over again. Really addictive and the more I play, the more I'm appreciating it in the long term.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Classic Star Wars

Picked this up in a sale as I had the first one. Got bored with that one, but finding this one a bit better with the restored content mod on Steam. 5k resolution, widescreen and loop holes in the story all sorted out with this mod. Avoid the vanilla version.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Minecraft: Story Mode - Adventure Pass (Telltale Key)


Not really something I'd play, but bought it for my son, in a sale as he kept pestering me for it. He loved it and completed the game over Christmas, so not all bad.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part 2

More Pillars

My previous review of the White March Part 1 applies here too and tbh if you have the first one, why would you not buy this? No brainer to complete the set of this RPG.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Crusader Kings II: The Reaper's Due Collection

Grim Reaper

Nice DLC as the idea is to deal with the Black Death and all it's repercussions as it lays waste. Great new game mechanic that makes the player have to cope with problems of your own or can you take advantage of others!

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jan 15th 2018

Tropico 5 – Complete Collection

So Chilled

I liked Tropico 3, but this is better in my opinion. I don't take the Tropico titles too seriously like maybe City Skylines, but they are just so relaxing to play. I see some people are saying that this title is dumbed down compared to versions 3 & 4 because the sliders have been removed, each to their own I suppose...

This is a City Builder that doesn't take itself too seriously and is all about the atmosphere. That for me is what I want from this title. There are other city builders that the min/max brigade can play that will scratch that itch. If I want to chill it's Tropico 5, if I want to design, create and build it's City Skylines...

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 30th 2016

Cities: Skylines

Best City Builder

This is such a great game and is the game Sim City by EA should have been.

Pick it up and you will not be disappointed. Very easy to get into and the staged gameplay rewards give newcomers a helping hand as you learn the game. Just buy it!

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 25th 2016

Cities: Skylines - After Dark

Polished DLC

Makes a great game even better and really adds to the atmosphere as well as additional gameplay enhancements. If you own the main game, you really need this.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 25th 2016

Anomaly Defenders

Wasn't expecting this

Picked this up in one of the sales and am seriously impressed.

A tower defence title with a really nice tech tree is a real novelty. if you get stuck it"s easy to just redo the tech tree and try to change tactics. This never got boring!

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Jul 25th 2016

Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series (Telltale Key)

Entertaining and great value

Bought this for my 9 year old, can highly recommend it, he absolutely loves it. The only problem is it's rather short and therefore overpriced in my opinion. He's now replaying it and making some different decisions which gives the game a bit more longevity. Here's hoping the DLC that will be coming out for it will be a lot cheaper...

QUICK UPDATE, didn't realise this contains the season Pass for all 5 episodes so another star has to be added. Apparently there is a patch you need to download from the Telltale site as the DLC is not showing up properly on the original download.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Dec 12th 2015

Company of Heroes 2

Really like this game

This is a triple A title and it sure feels like one. If your Mac can handle this, you are in for a treat. Running this on a late 2015 5k iMac fully specced up and loving it. Not sure whether I prefer the first Company of Heroes or this one. Both great games!

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Nov 18th 2015


RTS lite...

Nice game, I like the way you can use ruses to fool the opponent and the graphics aren't to shabby either. It's a simplified RTS but fun all the same, Definitely worth considering as it's on sale a lot.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Nov 18th 2015

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2

Elizabeth takes over

This DLC is also set in Rapture, in the Bioshock Infinite universe, but this time the player plays as Elizabeth. The difference is that she is more of a stealth character and I enjoyed the Booker De Witt style of play more. Makes a change and certainly worth getting.

by ack5ter, United Kingdom - Nov 18th 2015

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