Reviews |

Reviews by Annie Wun

Adelantado Trilogy - Book One

Too much crashing

Crashes frequently. Have to start at begining again. About the 6th time thru i can finally finish a segment. Sometimes.
Constant popups nag me to do stuff that already i've started, or that i haven't the resource for. Idiot reminders like "Remeber your main mission goals" that have no use at all. I can't see what i'm trying to do sometimes because of these bubbles.
Not to mention the story implies that the natives are greatful for the invaders breaking and stealing all their stuff.

by Annie Wun, USA - Mar 3rd 2023

Glass Masquerade


This is unlike the "jigsaw puzzles" i've played: Shapes are not the standard sort. And the artwork is lovely. Soothing music. Usually i have to shut off music in games but i like this one.

by Annie Wun, USA - Mar 3rd 2023

Blackguards 2

Game won't play

Freezes in the first seconds of the intro cutscene. voice and effects still play. crashes somewhere in the first half minute. tried several times. my demo time will be used up before i can even see what this game is! forget it. not worth my time.

by Annie Wun, USA - Jan 24th 2019

Cultures Northland

Perfect for me

Quite enjoy building a community, planning ahead to meet future needs. I'm not much into combat games but this one has just enough to add challenge and take off the monotony. To be fair, i've never tried the multiplayer mode.

First bought this one years ago for a PCP Mac and disappointed when i had to upgrade to Intel that the game would no longer launch. So i'm pleased to find that i can get a working version thru MacGamesStore. Thanks guys.

My only gripe would be that i can play only in fullscreen mode. Can't even see my desktop clock, let alone switch to another application.

by Annie Wun, USA - Jul 4th 2015

Dream Chronicles


I quite enjoyed the demo, not knowing that I'd nearly completed the entire game. Can't believe I spent $20 on a game that plays for less than two hours. Second time through is so bor-or-or-ing. What a waste! And the ending just cries for a sequel . . . for which I'm sure I'll be expected to shell out another $20 - Forget it!

by Annie Wun, USA - Sep 1st 2007

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