This game is simply excellent. The races, weapons, magic, units, gameplay, graphics are all so lovingly created for the game that it's a joy to behold two armies systematically destroy one another on the battlefield, but it is the unique feature of combining warhammer 1 with warhammer 2 (and the upcoming warhammer 3) into a massive world of conflict that is the most impressive feat of all. The map is truly alive with so many warring factions and variables that I have never seen the same game play out twice. The battle animations are stunning too for all of the various races in the game. Anyone who loves Tolkien and fantasy literature should be able to find something to enjoy here (providing you don't mind scores of enemies trying to kill you). One of my favourite games of all time. Looking forward to the final installment of the series.
I have to admit, I enjoyed this game even though it's not perfect. It's unique enough that it stands alone for the subject matter. Although it can be repetitive at times doing runs with the trains, I found enough variation to keep my interest for a while, and enjoyed upgrading to faster and better trains with built in defenses. You also hire staff to work on the trains to fight off bandits, warrior bands and anyone else who starts firing at you. Deliver people and goods to make money and grow your empire. It's a great way to spend some down time and if you like old trains, and the American Civil War era as a setting, you'll probably enjoy it too..
I have been playing this series since the early days of Paradox with EU2. Since then, the game has gone on to be a much loved and played title which has the added bonus (much like the old Europa Universalis) of continuing your game and dynasty from Crusader Kings II. How cool is that? You can take a struggling small noble family in the Viking Age and follow their legacy as they build a country and then an empire to rival the other great nations of the world. Anything can happen. With EUIV, the ability to export a CK2 game and then explore a randomly generated North and South America offers enormous deployability, with nearly culture or nation of the time free to play. Love history and haven't tried it? Time to try the game. Just ended your awesome story of your dynasty in CK2? Get the DLC exporter and get set to guide your house through a new era.
Loved the base game and this is a must-have for anyone who enjoyed it. Includes the hunters and zombies in the campain and really offers a different challenge in gameplay. It really only enhances the gameplay of the vanilla XCOM2, and so should not be missed if you enjoyed either XCOM 1 or XCOM 2. Highly recommend, even if you aren't a big sciFi fan but you do like tactical comabt games.
This game is an excellent follow-up to X-COM, and has really enhanced gameplay with the sequel. Tactical combat is still very much the same, but new variables are added that really freshen up th game, with zombie hordes that kill friend and foe alike and alien hunters that seem to show up at the most inopportunte times. The story is decent too, great graphics, tons of DLC and even more DLC from the workshop mods (Like the excellent Long War mod, which completely revolutionizes the game). Even if you aren't a huge fan of sci-fi, if you ever thought it would be fun to be in command of a heavily armed squad in a futuristic urban envirnment that gets destryoyed around you as the battle rages, this may be for you.
I always wondered why MoO2 was never followed up with anything comparable by anyone. MoO3 was nowhere near the same experience and while I have enjoyed playing other 4X space games, this one really appealed to me with it's (obvious) tributes to MoO2 and detailed ship design and combat.
I have read some criticism that the game is too focussed on combat, but given the amount of detail that goes into the planning and building of your ships and ground forces, it is probably a good thing that people like myself who are looking for a decent combat space strategy game actually get adversaries who are very belligerent. Endless Space has many paths to victory... I have to admit I was normally more interested in combat.
Speaking of action, the space combat is great. You can design a variety of single or multi role ships that you can send into battle and see how your designs fare during the fiery cruxible of combat. It is immensely rewarding to see your crews do well, gain experience and even get medals for their performance in battle. The game is so detailed that it even keeps track of your fighter crew experience (which you can actually command in battle once they are launched).
Ground assaults are a little less detailed but still enjoyable enough.
The game has a few minor bugs that are being patched up, but the developer is so open to input from the community that I have to assume most will be resolved once they are flagged.
This game has it's issues, but I don't think it deserves the low rating that it got. If you want sea and land based combat in the age of sail, buy CA's Empire or Napoleon, both great games but have a rather simplified trade system.
If you want something a little different with a heavier focus on trade and mercantilism, this is a good choice. The markets are a little tricky to figure out, but there is an interesting challenge there trying to get your revenue producing colonies up and running while managing your fleets and engaging in combat with rivals.
You have a little more input on ship design than you do in other games (ships can be tailored and customized to allow more guns, cargo, etc) and captains and crew memebers can be assigned to fleets to improve business or combat.
It's a little less action-packed than some other similar games out there if you tend to shy away from combat, but it certainly is not a terrible complement to your existing games library if you have found that you enjoy playing games that simulate this era. You can have a little bit of fun during combat commanding from the bridge of your vessels too, although the visuals are not quite as detailed as Empire or Napoleon.
I certainly got more than my share of enjoyment from the PC version, so I bought this a second time for my Mac.
This game could have been better with a better port team
From the sounds of it, King Arthur I was a little bit better. Still, the gameplay is not all bad, albeit the battles are a little chaotic. The problem lies with the developer that ported the title. Stability issues are huge with this. I had the game on all the highest settings (got a fine rig here) and all was going well until my 5th battle when the game would crash. Always.
I contacted Virtual Programming and was replied to by the developer there who responded to me 10 years previously about another VP port with serious issues. A decade ago, they never fixed the broken game I bought from them and this one's the same. The dude told me that they never tested the game on hi settings, only low. To be honest, the way this game looks is the best thing going for it so I was a little annoyed by his attitude (esp since it was the same guy who called my discovery of a glitch with Victoria Revolutions years ago a "good catch" and never fixed it). They never fixed the crash problem with Arthur 2 either but switching to ultra low settings did resolve the issue. Perfect!
Another note I might mention. This game was supposed to have two campaigns: one Roman and one with knights. I was curious as to why the Roman portion was cut out (despite the fact you can see screen captures of the cut campaign above). Now I know. VP has released that as a separate game called "Dead Legions". VP, if you think i am stupid enough to give you my money again, you're Dead Wrong.
Whoever gave this game to VP to port, think again next time. I am done with Virtual Programming for good.
Even if you only have a mild interest in the subject matter, the game is so beautifully presented and so meticulously assembled with a huge array of NATO and Soviet forces, you really can't go wrong. The environment is rendered nicely as things start to get detroyed too... large fires burn out of control, buildings and towns crumble and burn, etc.
Reminds me of World in Conflict looks-wise but plays much better with a much deeper tactical element. No game changing nukes in this game. I highly recommend.
If you ever played the last version of Master of Orion (III), this game is very similar in content, only looks and plays better. Combat has been somewhat simplified but in a game of this scope, it only helps things run along smoothly, something which MOO 3 failed miserably at. The game also implements some of the more fun features of the series that had been omitted from MOO 3... leaders that can be hired by your faction to lead fleets or star systems, random events present challenges and bonuses, etc.
All in all, it is a relaxing and enjoyable game that has quite a bit of replayability, as you can design your own race and can have a hand in designing battle ships and assembing fleets. The space battles are pretty cool to watch too. A great game if you like grand scale sci-fi strategy games.
One (or Two) Small Step(s) for Gameplay, One Giant Leap for Civilization V
I loved Civ II, liked Civ III but found it a little shallow and so I missed out on Civ IV. I bought Civ V when it came out and although I found it fun to play, I did have some graphic issues with the game that impaired its enjoyability somewhat and again found the game a little shallow in depth until the latter stages of the game.
This expansion of the game has really rectified that. Religion adds much more interest to the early game and the addition of new Civs and City States was a welcome breath of fresh air too. I am still only playing my first Marathon game with the expansion, but it has been a much deeper and more enjoyable experience than the previous vanilla version so I highly recommend it even if you played Civ V and were not overly impressed. Graphic issues seem to have been ironed out and the game loads much more quickly and runs much more smoothly now as well.
Tactical combat is much more interesting now with the new combat system. The addition of Great War units was a good one as well, as I felt the previous vanilla Civ V rushed too quickly from Napoleonic forces to WWII era weaponry.
Diplomacy seems to make a little more sense now too.
Bottom line: if you love Civilization, this is the one to play. I think all of those people who preferred IV to V may be pleasantly surprised with the new changes, but having never played IV, I can't say that with certainty. Just seems that the Civ team listened to criticism and put back into the game that which had been taken out.
The only thing that sucks about this game now is how tired I have become from late night "Just-one-more-turn-itis"
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