Reviews |

Reviews by Meghan K.1

Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 15 Collector's Edition

Great game!

I love the format of this series and the Cruise version as well. Straight-forward hidden object game with a few other puzzles for extra coins/rewards as well. Love the option to find all of the objects now too.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 13th 2024

Halloween: Trick or Treat

Not as good as your other hidden object games

Not the same quality as your other series of games. When an item is hidden in another item, it is not always highlighted so you don't know to click on something to open it. There is no mega hint if you are really stuck. The graphics are also not as crisp as the other HO series. Wishing I hadn't spent the money expecting it to be like Cruise, Park Ranger, or even the Christmas ones are better quality than this. Just disappointed overall. 1 level won't even let you click on the candy canes. :-( Really wish I hadn't wasted my money.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 5th 2024

Rescue Team 17: Ancient Guardian Collector's Edition

Appreciate the challenge

With the basic and the hard version you can challenge yourself and work to get the 3 stars, sometimes even with the guides it seems that the 3 stars are made to be out of reach though which can be frustrating but when I have the time I keep working on it.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 5th 2024

Rescue Team 16: Clouded Mind Collector's Edition

Series is fun

These continue to be a favorite time management challenge!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 5th 2024

Sally's Salon

Missing this game

I wish there would be an update for those who previously purchased this to upgrade to new OS.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 5th 2024

Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 16 Collector's Edition

A favorite series

I like continuing the storyline and appreciate the ability to play to find all of the objects in the scene. Not a fan of hidden objects always conveniently being in female's front shirt pockets though.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Oct 5th 2024


Fun game

Wish it was updated to the new OS so we could continue to play what we've previously purchased

by Meghan K.1, United States - Jun 6th 2024

Rescue Team 15: Mineral Of Miracles Collector's Edition

Still a favorite series of games

Enjoyable storyline, challenging levels (one that still has me stuck to get 3 stars with the hard level despite following the guide for the level but I'm still trying).

by Meghan K.1, United States - Jun 6th 2024

Rescue Team 14: Magnetic Storm Collector's Edition

Appreciate the power-up updates

Thanks for changing some of the power ups of the games although fully upgraded there are still some levels I can't seem to figure out how to get 3 stars on so while I appreciate the challenge I hope it's not been made impossible. Still love the ease of play and graphics, very user friendly.

by Meghan K.1, - May 26th 2023

Brave Deeds of Rescue Team Collector's Edition

Wish it was like recent RT games

It took several levels to adjust to game play as this is NOT like the most recent Rescue Team games. I wish I hadn't spent the money on the Collector's Edition. Also had to wait for a glitch to be fixed, would have been nice to have been given an additional credit for that. Game pretty much leads you through exactly what you have to do so not a lot of room for any creative choices and you have to go back and forth between upgrade screen and level play and SO many different menu buttons to click to get tasks completed. Not going to just jump on a purchase because I see a series name I like anymore.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Jun 7th 2022

Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 6

Excellent focus on hidden object play

I love this series since it focuses mostly on hiddent objects and you don't have to figure out a storyline to go with it, it just leads you through each level nicely with a few other puzzles in between.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Jun 7th 2022

Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 4

Virtual around the world is fun!

Can't wait for a new version to see where we get to visit next time. As always, THANK YOU for focusing on hidden object levels and just leading us through the levels with each hidden object scene. Don't change the set up for this or Park Ranger, they are awesome the way they are, just enjoy seeing the new scenery with it!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Jun 7th 2022

Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 10 Collector's Edition

New version soon?

One of my favorite series and hoping to see a Park Ranger 11 soon!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Apr 12th 2022

Rescue Team 13: Heist of the Century Collector's Edition

Same stuff in for power ups?

Why aren't there new items to buy in the power up store that can be used more in game play? There should be something to speed up the power eaters or some other task that actually applies to more of the game time, not still the flamethrower that I have yet to see need for in 13 and didn't really need in 12 either. Some of the later levels are seemingly impossible to get 3 stars on based on what order you need and how often you the rescue team has to make purchases in the store in some levels. I enjoy a challenge but this version so far does not seem to be as fair as the previous.

by Meghan K.1, United States - Apr 12th 2022

Rescue Team 10: Danger from Outer Space

So enjoyable I start over and play again

When I have the time it's an enjoyable storyline to repeat and try to outscore myself. Keep making new versions and keep them updated for your customers as computer upgrafes advance please!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

Rescue Team 12: Power Eaters Collector's Edition

Love the series, wish I'd waited for regular price!

I was so excited to see a new Rescue Team release that I scooped up the Collector's Edition. While I like the bonus round that I assume in special just to this version, I probably should have saved the expense of the CE and waited for the regular release and I would have still been happy processing through the story! Wish we could really save the day for the environment this way!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 3

Love the virtual world tours

All the Vacation Adventures are great, it's a great hidden object set up so don't change anything and please keep updating!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 5

Just want to find objects- this is the series for you!

I will say the same thing as my other reviews- keep making these and keep them updated for those who already purchased them to keep playing with computer upgrades/updates! I love these because you can just work through the levels and not have to circle back to do tasks to try to solve things, just find your objects each level and a few good mini games in the process too for more points. Free upgrades for your customers or a minimal upgrade cost (like $1) would be awesome as technology updates!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 2

My favorite games

I will always buy a Vacation Adventures/Cruise Director new game- love that you stick to just hidden pictures with a few word puzzles for extra points but it's really about the hidden objects and added bonus of seeing places around the world a bit (#5 is my absolute favorite so far!)- please keep updating for free/minimal cost to your customers who already own older versions so we can keep playing even when we're forced to upgrade/update computers!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

Mini Metro

Simple game is actually engaging and challenging

Trying to best yourself with how long you can keep your metro running with simply the use of what becomes your metro map makes this actually an engaging game. I would of course like to be given the tunnel/bridge option more often but of course that's the challenge to overcome!

by Meghan K.1, United States - Mar 22nd 2022

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