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Reviews by Dubbs09

Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven

Tier 2 or higher DLC

When looking at 'to buy' lists, this is always near the top. Get on sale if you can, does add some fun age mechanics

by Dubbs09, USA - Dec 13th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica

Not a big DLC

Can get it on sale, doesn't add a ton of features but does add some new espionage and trade options that can change things up a bit

by Dubbs09, USA - Dec 13th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense

One of three or four 'must have' DLC

Along with Art of War and Rights of man, this is one of the must have DLC for one of the best strategy games of all time. Get on sale and be prepared for the steep learning curve. But it is absolutely worth it.

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 29th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Art of War

One of the 3 or 4 'must have' DLC

Along with Common Sense and Rights of man, this is one of the must have DLC for one of the best strategy games of all time. Get on sale and be prepared for the steep learning curve. But it is absolutely worth it.

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 29th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man

One of the 3 or 4 'must have' dlc

Along with Common Sense and Art of War, this is one of the must have DLC for one of the best strategy games of all time. Get on sale and be prepared for the steep learning curve. But it is absolutely worth it.

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 29th 2018

Europa Universalis IV

So rewarding...when you learn how to actually play

Be prepared, this game has been out for years and years and has a ton of DLC. But the game and DLC is always on sale somewhere and can be very steep discount. But be prepared to read up on how to play, maybe watch some videos, and not be completely comfortable with how to play for quite some time. It's one of the best strategy games of all time....but the learning curve is one of the steepest as well.

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 29th 2018

Airport Madness 3D: Volume 2

It was free

Can waste a few hours playing it, but it was free so not much to complain about

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 29th 2018

Stellaris: Distant Stars Story Pack

Adds lots of new stories and events

If you're looking for an overhaul, this isn't it. But if you would like more stories/anomolies/events this is for you. Spices up the beginning and middle areas with new content and its a no brainer if you're a fan of Stellaris and its on sale.

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 9th 2018

Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn Story Pack

Robotic faction and uprising!

If you want to spice up your game with new robotic events, factions (playable and AI) grab this (especially on sale). Can cause an robotic uprising for yourself and others, can play as one (and its quite different than other factions).

by Dubbs09, USA - Nov 9th 2018

Victory At Sea

Mount and Blade at Sea

Like another said, it's map and style is similar to Mount and Blade, but set in WW2. Its fun scraping by at the beginning and getting stronger as you win battles. No brainer on sale

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Stegosaurus Expansion Pack

My favorit dino

Add the stagosaurus to the roster of possible dinos to the base game.

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Giant Spiders Hunter Expansion Pack

Mistake buy

Shouldn't have bought this mess of a game.

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Medieval Knights Hunter Expansion Pack

Adds more to it

But why knights when it is supposed to be dinos?

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Carnotaurus Expansion Pack

New baddie

Adds a new big dinosaur to the base game, deadly one too.

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Dragon Hunter Expansion Pack

Adds more to game

Not just a dragon (not a dino) but new maps and playmodes.

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Brontosaurus Expansion Pack

Adds new dinos

Adds new dinos to the base game, not much more to it though

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt - Vampires, Gargoyles, Mutants Hunter Expansion Pack

Add random things

Add a bunch of random enemies but none of them are actual dinos

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Dinosaur Hunt

Look elsewhere for fun

It's not here and its not with this game

by Dubbs09, USA - Oct 26th 2018

Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit

Traffic is fun??

Adds a bunch of options to ease and shake up traffic issues/options in base Cities Skyline. Streamlines some of the traffic hubs into one building while also adding a bunch of options (some better than others depending on layout and geography) for public transport. Probably top 2 or 3 DLC for game, easily. Get on sale for sure

by Dubbs09, USA - Jul 13th 2018

Total War™: SHOGUN 2 - Blood Pack


Just to clarify, this works in the US (bigger battles may lag some more when zoomed in). Once installed from steam, ZERO problems.

As for what it adds, for less than a dollar on sale it adds alot of animations and details to zoomed in battles. Yea, probably should have been included in base game, but probably some issues with ratings. Got it on sale for $.54 and completely happy about it. A lot more satisfying to watch battles now.

**Also applies to Fall of the Samurai too as option to include blood pack is from main overall menu**

by Dubbs09, USA - Jul 12th 2018

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