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Reviews by TinkTonk

Vacation Paradise - California Collector's Edition

Wow, this has a lot to it!

Running on my M2 mac, works great!

Has so much in it too, its not just hidden object, not just match 3, not just mahjong... its got a whole lotta things all in there to play and enjoy!

Definitely a must for anyones casual library.

by TinkTonk, United States - Dec 16th 2024

Rescue Agency: The Kidnapper of happiness Collector's Edition

Tough in spots

Pretty challenging, wasnt just a cake walk. The story was fun, the tasks good... had trouble on a level but apparently I was just blind. Worked once i got that!

New series? awesome!

by TinkTonk, United States - Jul 26th 2024


Relaxing mindbender

This is a chill and relaxing puzzler. Well, relaxing until your mind takes a tumble from all the lines and knots! I found it fun, very much a good addition to the library.

by TinkTonk, United States - Jul 26th 2024

Mahjongus: Mystery of Fortescue

Actually fun

This is actually a pretty fun mahjong like game. Nice twist to it, smooth style, runs good, pleasant audio and visuals. Its rare to see a good mahjong tiles game come along, glad this one did.

by TinkTonk, United States - May 31st 2024

Hitman: Absolution - Elite Edition

Absolute gem

This was the best hitman that came along, and may be the best hitman ever judging by the newest release.

by TinkTonk, USA - Aug 25th 2016

Guerrilla Bob


Shootz gunz n stuff. How can you go wrong?

by TinkTonk, USA - Jul 28th 2016


Surprised it runs on my MBP

I recall back when I first played this, it was stressing my computer so bad. I had to reduce effects and struggle to enjoy it. Then I try it out recently on my LAPTOP, and it runs just fine, looks great, fluid. Amazing how times change. Anyhow, the game itself is decent enough to play. It has terrible AI and predictable situations. Enter room, monster flies out of nowhere and always knows where you are. Kill. Enter next room, ditto. But hey, it has great visuals and other interesting bits.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jul 1st 2013

Sparkle 2 EVO

Eh... needs optimizing

Interesting game, could be more enjoyable if it didn't crawl in spurts on my Mac. It goes along real smooth, then just starts going so slow and choppy. Bad optimizations. If you can look beyond that, then this game will be enough of a delight.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jul 1st 2013

Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep

Its more for Borderlands 2!

Well, how can I describe something that is just inherently awesome to begin with? Ok, so, this is a DLC, and you have to buy it to add more content to an otherwise great game. But how does it fare? It fairs well! I would say better than a couple of the other DLC (the new mech, and psycho), because this actually brings content to do more with. Really fun, silly humor as always, and definitely a good final DLC pack for this round.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 30th 2013

Pangea Arcade

Some classic games brought to life

Oldies but a goodies. Lots of smaller games bundled into one. Very arcade style, blast em, puzzle em, plot em. It has nice graphics and audio. Fun to play!

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 30th 2013

Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded

Classic game is classic

Fun game, has lots of little silliness and spoofs around every corner. Great humor if you can stuff the politically correctness of todays society and just enjoy a game for once. It has kind of clunky controls, but thats to be expected with this sort of adventure game. Its not about interface, but more about experience and the journey to the end. Well worth it.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 30th 2013


Simple little game

Its a basic, simple little mind puzzler game. Nothing super insanely difficult, but it can get tedious and mind numbing. Good thing to do when really bored though.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 30th 2013


Mesmerizing game

The audio track, the visuals, the time wasting nature... this is easily something that hypnotizes you into spending hours working away at the tasks. Some frustratingly difficult. However that is a good thing, because it makes the game last longer and provides satisfaction when you manage to complete a level. Great game for boring nights on trips!

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 28th 2013

Atlantis: Pearls of the Deep

Its ok

This is a decent game, fun enough with nice visuals and audio. Unfortunately it throws all its saved files junk at the root level of my user directory. Someone needs to teach the developers where to properly store saved data for apps! That stored junk bothers me.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 28th 2013

Borderlands 2

Most excellent game

It takes all the great things from Borderlands 1, fixes all the bad things from Borderlands 1, and combines them into an incredible sequel. It is by far the best sequel for a game I have played in a long looooong time.

by TinkTonk, USA - Jun 28th 2013


Could've been far more fun

This is a pain in the rear game. Not much difficulty in thinking a puzzle through (there really is only one way to do it, do or fail, and fail endlessly at times). Rather serious hand-eye coordination with balancing and controlling an unforgiving slosh of liquid in various forms. Some of the levels are so downright frustrating that I don't know who would abuse themselves to bother going for awards or perfect scores.

Its ridiculous difficult, which ruins the fun factor of something that could be ... well ... fun.

Visually its pretty wicked. The physics of liquids and the objects and glass ware is really neat. Too bad its an angry game out to harm your patience.

by TinkTonk, USA - May 7th 2013

Little Inferno

What is it?

The question on my mind for weeks when I first saw this game released, was, what in tarnation IS it though? I see rave reviews with obscure references to what it is, like "its awesome!" and "such an beautiful and innovative masterpiece!"... but they never described "what is this thing?!?!"

Well, I'm going to describe it for you! Here and now!

It is, a fun and entertaining game that has no imposing nor demanding rules. It is in essence, a casual game. Addicting, silly, and best summed up as... "odd".

Yes, I deliberately was vague and not very revealing what exactly it is ;) ENJOY!

(from the creators of World of Goo, which is nothing like this game except in 'odd' style and design)

by TinkTonk, USA - Apr 30th 2013


Wacky and sometimes disturbing

A lot of creativity and ingenuity went into this oddball of a game. Sometimes the creations have an almost sickening effect on the eyes, but its still enjoyable. I feel as if frankenstein would have delighted in this if given the chance.

Challenging. It really tests patience when things go horribly wrong.

by TinkTonk, USA - Apr 24th 2013

Worms Special Edition

Worms, and high explosives...

What could go wrong? Nothing as far as I can tell from this gem of a game. There are so many different goodies, and situations, that you can actually replay many rounds and still not get bored.

Graphics are not your high-demand bling bling style, but they are enough to be clean, smooth and enjoyable. The sounds are hilarious at times, and well "OH NO!"

Fun game solo or with a friend or few. Worth it.

by TinkTonk, USA - Apr 18th 2013

Tiny & Big in GrandPa's Leftovers

Innovative, unique, and off the wall...

I had played this game's development piece on the PC before they turned the physics/slicing engine into a full game. I was actually surprised they made a Mac version.

This game is inspired, oh, and really wacky (oddball humor). Think back to the days of MDK and Giants Kabuto! But even that analogy doesn't fit because of what you can do in this game. I think I wasted a few hours just slicing stuff up to see what secret may lay beyond. Slicing up boulders to fall just right so they stack up to this high ledge which looks like it had a goody or something, if not just to climb up to admire the view.

Then there is the story. Well, a ridiculous one. Guy robs you of some underpants (ooookay), but the authors coulda used any item. It may not have been as unique though as underpants. The story progresses, and ends, but has a lot of interesting things along the way to do and mess with.

Wasn't much a fan of the neon blue/black levels. Those areas got a bit boring. The desert ones were great, and the stone roads/pyramids. Oh, and the game even has a mini-game of wack-a-mole in it! Drop boulders on the heads of these groundhog/mole/rat things! YEAH!

My only beef with the game... it ended. I wanted more. I wanted a sandbox area to just fool around in with the physics engine and slicing/pull/grav guns. But oh well, it was cheap, and they have sequels coming!

by TinkTonk, USA - Feb 23rd 2013

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