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Reviews by Re_

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Bridges & Piers

Pretty good

It is what it is.You shouldn't expect much from this but for what it is it's pretty good. You get some piers and bridges to make your city look prettier.

by Re_, - Feb 17th 2022

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Map Pack


Some wonderful maps here of all kinds so everyone will find at least one they like. Of course this is content creator map pack so buy it if you want to suppost the creator.

by Re_, - Feb 17th 2022

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Train Stations


It's decent but nothing special. I expected a bit more variety and maybe better looking stations.

by Re_, - Feb 17th 2022

Bus Simulator 16


Very buggy and poor looking game. Poor physics. I suggest buying the bus, omsi 2 or fernbus for better experience.

by Re_, Lithuania - Jul 11th 2021

Prison Architect - Psych Ward: Warden's Edition


This adds all the psychiatry aspect to the game where you get to take care of your inmates mental health. It's pretty nice addition but i think this should've been included for free in the game.

by Re_, Lithuania - Apr 24th 2021

Stellaris: Federations

For the federation!

This dlc adds new diplomatic possibilities and a lot more. If you love stellaris this is a must have,

by Re_, Lithuania - Apr 24th 2021

Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor


This is an average dlc. It would be great as a free addition but it doesn't add that much as a paid dlc. It adds some diplomatic features but it's too little to justify the price. Get it if you've been playing this game for hundreds of hours and want something new.

by Re_, Lithuania - Apr 24th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Deluxe Upgrade Pack

Just a few items

It's just a few iconic items. Worth a buy if you really love the game and want to support the developers. Not much anything else to say.

by Re_, Lithuania - Apr 24th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan

A simple creator pack to enrich the game

It's a simple themed building pack. If you love cities skylines and still playing it it's worth buying on sale.

by Re_, Lithuania - Dec 8th 2020

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern City Center

Adds some cosmetic items to the game

Simple yet nice pack of buildings. It adds few buildings to make your city more modern.

by Re_, Lithuania - Dec 8th 2020

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: University City

Education for the people

University city buildings for your student. Make you city educated and citizens smarter.

by Re_, Lithuania - Dec 8th 2020

Cities: Skylines - Campus

Nice DLC

This DLC adds campuses to the game which adds another layer to the game and makes you city even more realistic and your people more educated.

by Re_, Lithuania - Oct 23rd 2020

Cities: Skylines - All That Jazz

Relaxing station

A nice set of music for cities skylines. I don't know what else to say, it's a music dlc with some nice relaxing tracks. Adds more variety to cities skylines.

by Re_, Lithuania - Jun 1st 2019

Cities: Skylines - Rock City Radio

Rock on!

Another nice music dlc for cities skylines. This one is for rock fans. Great set of song will make your cities skylines radio more diverse and less boring.

by Re_, Lithuania - Jun 1st 2019

Europa Universalis IV

One of the best strategy games

This is one of the best strategy games out there. If you're strategy fan this is a must buy. Downside is this game has too many DLC's, there's simply too many of them.

by Re_, Lithuania - Sep 21st 2018

A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2 Dual Pack


It's a simple small game. The idea is nice but it fails in many aspects. Worth buying for

by Re_, Lithuania - Sep 21st 2018

Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters

Decent addon

This adds many thing to the game. Your city finally can be destroyed in seconds by disasters, It adds new scenarios too along with new achievements. Worth the price.

by Re_, Lithuania - Mar 22nd 2018

The Silent Age

Nice little adventure game

This is a nice little side scrolling adventure game. Artistic graphics which looks very good, good puzzles and good atmosphere. Everyone who like adventure games should get this.

by Re_, Lithuania - Mar 8th 2018

In Between

Great concept and art

The puzzles may be too hard sometimes but atmosphere and nice art style makes up for it. The story will make you think about life.

by Re_, Lithuania - Mar 8th 2018

Enforcer: Police Crime Action

Good idea bad execution

The game isn't good at all. Almost everything is broken and developers had abandoned it. Nothing more to explain.

by Re_, Lithuania - Mar 8th 2018

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