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Reviews by Adam T.16


Underated? Not really, just a solid fun racer

While I didn't have the deepest time with this game, it was a blast digging through the mud on the tracks. Reminded me a little of that PS3 game I can't remember the name of. The one where there's mud. Yeah.

by Adam T.16, United States - Mar 20th 2023


Not a bad dlc

I've only put 2-3 hours into this DLC so far, but the additions are worth it if you're a fan of the base game.

by Adam T.16, United States - Jun 27th 2021


Worthwhile DLC

It adds enough content to the base game to make it a worthwhile purchase on sale.

by Adam T.16, United States - Jun 27th 2021

BATTLETECH Urban Warfare

My favorite DLC for Battletech

I like the variety it adds compared to the base game. I got about 5-6 hours out of the DLC so far.

by Adam T.16, United States - Jun 27th 2021

Cities: Skylines - Sunset Harbor

Not as necessary as others

I felt less inspired to use this expansion than the rest. I must've fatigued playing other DLC perhaps. I admire the additions and how they look, however.

by Adam T.16, United States - Oct 8th 2020

Cities: Skylines - Parklife

A neat aesthetic addon

More for diehard fans of Cities Skylines. If you want more choices in how you craft your city, this is for you.

by Adam T.16, United States - Sep 19th 2020

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan

Easy recommend

This is one of my favorite DLCs for the game. I ended up using alot of the items in unique ways and it really adds to my builds in fun ways. Highly recommended for fans of the game.

by Adam T.16, United States - Sep 19th 2020

Project Highrise

Sim Tower fans rejoice!

If you played Sim Tower as a kid like me and wanted a similar game with a fresh coat of paint, this game is for you! I've only played a dozen hours, but I feel at home. It's a very relaxing game for me.

by Adam T.16, United States - Sep 19th 2020

Project Highrise: Tokyo Towers

Worth it if you get it cheap.

This DLC is more cosmetic goodness for Project Highrise. Recommended for fans of the game and Japanese aesthetics mostly.

by Adam T.16, United States - Sep 19th 2020

Stellaris: Federations

A worth addon.

You have to be a dedicated Stellaris player to enjoy the DLCs. Otherwise, it's more mechanics, story and builds that may confuse new players. I enjoyed this one the most. It adds far more content that I initially thought it would.

by Adam T.16, United States - Sep 19th 2020

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