It's not just a map painter like CK3. You get to stimulate the whole nation, economy and citizens living in your country. You can keep on improving the lives of your pops, changing laws etc etc. Also Devs are very active, the game gets constant updates and devs listen to the input from the community.
Previously Utopia was a must have Stellaris DLC - now it's Galactic Paragons
Galactic Paragons while adding a slight power creep, also adds new and improved leaders. Finally they matter, they are no longer no-names you'll just roll every single time. Now each leader can get specialized and losing them can hurt. You also get council agendas, which give you some more stuff to do in peace time.
Cities Skylines is not Caesar 3, but it's still good. The vanilla game in itself will easily last you for 20-40 hours, but the real timesinker are the mods you can find.
If you think it's just yet another species pack, then you are wrong. It gives you pretty fun origins and the civics which could make you quite OP if played right.
Right now it is pretty barren compared to the CK2 especially in regards to the number of events, but the vanilla CK3 has all the most important stuff that you needed DLCs for in CK2.
With the recent price increase for CK3 DLCs Royal Edition is the best way to buy them.
Let me start it with - this is by far the worst big expansion (so not Story Pack like Synthesis Dawn or Species Pack like Plantoids) that Stellaris has received.
Let me start with Espionage. It is by far the biggest problem strategy games of all kinds have problems with. Either it is completely overpowered and makes the game trivial and unfun or it is complete afterthought and can easily be ignored. With Stellaris it's the latter - there are only 2, maybe 3 useful operations. Getting intel takes some time and some operations does not scale well (arm privateers). But I'm honestly not blaming them.
Next thing we have is Galactic Custodian - sounds nice on paper, but it's basically undercooked premise of Galactic Imperator. Some of the resolutions really should have been swapped with Galactic Council. It doesn't help that the Galactic Community in itself is faced with problems that needs to be adjusted (low amount of resolutions, too many modifiers, same resolutions being voted again and again, long time between sessions etc).
Becoming the Crisis might be only saving point of this expansion.
Honestly the only time I recommend buying this DLC is if you want to play the Crisis and if the DLC itself is on huge sale.
Necroids in itself is really great species pack. New origin that promotes new gameplay is pretty fun. Origins are also very original and thematic. Also more shipsets is always nice.
Federations DLC alongside a 2.6 patch threw a whole new life to Stellaris. The expanded Federations make the universe more divisive: from the Hegemony where Overlord gets the biggest bonuses through Galactic Union (space EU) to Research Cooperatives which ultimate goal is... well research. On top of that You get Galactic Community, so basically the biggest game-changer since inclusion of mid-game crisis with Khan. There is a lot of words that could be said on the inclusion of Space UN in this game, but one is for sure - it completely changes the whole dynamic of game from early through mid and up to endgame, with resolutions pushing the whole map towards specific ethics and giving bonuses to all empires and breaches providing huge penalties, emergency meetings during crisis times and so on. And that's not even mentioning Origins and new Megaconstructions! One of the best DLCs to Stellaris.
The title basically sums it up. This DLC gives You yet another species (the more the merrier IMO), but unlike Plantoids, Lithoids have new mechanics - they don't use food, they have higher habitability but on the cost of using minerals and much slower pop reproduction. It's still good, but only buy it after getting every other DLC first, but before Plantoids.
As You know the Stellaris DLCs can be divided into 3 categories: Expansion Packs that feature a lot of new things (Megacorp, Utopia, Apocalypse), Storypacks (Distant Stars, Leviathans, Synthetic Dawn) and cosmetic stuff (Plantoids and Humanoids DLCs), and from Storypacks Ancient Relics is the best one.
Why You may ask? Well, here's the thing: Ancient Relics gives You a lot of content in a early and mid game. Relic Worlds, 2 new precursor civilzations, minor artifacts (which You can use to boost Your research or sell for cash), titular ancient relics... There is a lot of stuff going on, including a lot of stories to fully immerse You in the game. It really is awesome!
This DLC was one of the first, and it really shows. It's mediocre and You won't probably return to it after You played it once. But it's nice to play, it's something different after all.
Have You ever wanted to play Egalitarian Empire that buys slaves of the market only to give them freedom? Or maybe You wanted to be a Space Scientology that builds temples on the other planets and takes their cash?
Also features Ecumenopolises, new megastructures and Caravaners! It's worth it.
Have You ever felt that Your rulers are mediocre at best and terrible at worst? Fear no longer! With "Monks and Mystics" DLC You gain access to societies and artifacts that boosts Your statistics and gives You traits!
And You should know it. Not only soldiers suffer on battlefields. Not only civilian adults suffer in destroyed cities. There are lots of kids, now orphaned because of war, suffering the most. If You want to get even more in the depressing climate of this game, just buy it. Also $1 from each purchase goes to "War Child" charity.
One of the more essentials EXPANSION PACKS of this game. It adds - late game content - Megastructures - early/middle game content - Ascension perks
And adds new government type in Hiveminds? Don't You want to play as a single minded organism that wants to devour galaxy of life? If You want, just get it!
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