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Reviews by malefic

Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack

Very nice flavour

As an eastern european this makes me very happy - to see in game the models of the planes my country used in WW2, with their roundels and paint scheme. very nice addition indeed!

by malefic, Spain - Jan 13th 2025

Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Music Pack

Very nice flavour

As an eastern european this makes me very happy - to hear in game the songs the military of my country sung in WW2, while marching or parading. the same songs i sung in the military in my youth not so very long time ago. very nice addition indeed!

by malefic, Spain - Jan 13th 2025

Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back

Tank design for the win

The DLC is very fun and entertaining, especially playing with the U.S.S.R. and restoring the Romanov empire or playing as Poland, restoring the commonwealth is perfect and insanely fun. Baltic countries have also been improved. On the other hand, the general trait mechanics are a very good addition to the game, as the logistics and supplies and the creme de la creme of the DLC - the tank designer which gives tons of depth to your strategies.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 11th 2025

Hearts of Iron IV: Arms Against Tyranny

Goodies added

There is a reworked industry system now which can grant decent buffs for your weapons of war, although it could´ve used a little bit more variety in choices and less buttons to press. An arms trade system was added to get more guns for your wars or sell your surplus to boost your construction. And the new special forces tech tree which can give some powerful buffs and make them even more deciding on the front lines - or behind them!
On the more particular side, northern countries got very detailed focus trees and alternate history variantsso you can fight off the Soviet menace as brave Finland, deal with a civil war in Norway, defend yourself as Denmark, struggle with neutrality as Sweden, or sit around and do next to nothing as Iceland.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 11th 2025

Stellaris: Plantoids Species Pack

More variety to the game

Plant Race Pack + Gaia National Focus + Catalytic Processing. The last one is still strong enough although nerfed lately. Assured way to rule the galaxy whjle cruising through the ascension perks.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 11th 2025

Stellaris: Lithoids Species Pack

I like rocks!

It's not a beginner friendly species to start with but if you have Utopia DLC as well and choose the Terravores civic to become a devouring swarm that completely turn all the planets into broken worlds that give more minerals when building mining stations around them, while all the pops from the broken world go to the capitol. Also terravore ships get passive regeneration of their hulls and armor so you can basically repair in space without the need to go back to a base.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 8th 2025

Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack

SF buff

Dunno how, dunno why, this species reminded me from the get go of the Wraiths from Stargate Atlantis and i do role-playing as them in the game. How cool is that??? The cosmetics are top notch and the species is a little bit more challenging cause it requires some extra micro-management. All in all, great to have if you wanna be the death of the xenos, literally. Oh, and you can reanimate dragons!

by malefic, Spain - Jan 7th 2025

Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack

Clones can rule the early game

And the ship models are absolutely spectacular, probably the best launched for the game by Paradox. The Soldier advisor voice and comments are one of the best too.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 7th 2025

Surviving Mars: In-Dome Buildings Pack

Many good stuff

This DLC adds buildings created by modder Silva, the greatest in the Surviving Mars universe, so it's great seeing part of the funds trickling down to him, thanks to Paradox's "generosity". Anyhow, about the buildings, some of them bring a lot to the table, to the point a part of the community think they're overpowered, but they're fun in the right context if role playing and add nice mechanics that weren't in the base game in the first place.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 7th 2025

Surviving Mars: Stellaris Dome Set

Domes are life

On Mars, domes are literally life and one can't have enough of them! It's nothing more than a cosmetic setting to apply to in-game domes but they do like mighty cool and make your colony the prettiest around!!!

by malefic, Spain - Jan 7th 2025

Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments

Best CK3 DLC to date

You get a lot of new events and decisions and overall it feels more grounded as your character now has to physically travel to the location they want to interact with - visible on the campaign map, with all the travel during those times associated risks. Also you get some updates to existing features and systems, and there's 3 tiers of some perks given by participating in these tournaments and events.

by malefic, Spain - Jan 4th 2025

Cities: Skylines - Industries

Makes it rain money

One of the lasts DLCs i got, sadly, I wish I had it before... Makes the game better, definitely a must have.
Really detailed industries. Thanks to this dlc you can improve your economy. The amount of money you can earn is way bigger than in the basic game.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century

Colonialism is the top mechanic after all

If you play a lot in Iberia, play colonisers a lot, or want to play a pirate nation, consider this DLC as it does add new features for you to enhance your EU4 experience, especially when attempting to establish a colonial empire.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Crusader Kings II: The Reaper's Due Collection

Really nice

This DLC is one of the better ones so far. The new 'prosperity' mechanic makes it feasible to build tall rather than wide. The new disease mechanic makes dynasty management much more interesting, as your plans for your heirs are constantly thrown in disarray due to family members dying from various illnesses. Overall, the DLC gives many more aspects to focus on during peace time, which was something severely lacking in the game before.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Crusader Kings II: Conclave Content Pack

Cosmetic add-on

Purely cosmetic. I always care most about the portrait packs, as it is the most visible. This pack includes the Finno-Ugric portrait pack is one of the best in the game

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Crusader Kings II: Way of Life

Adds depth to the RPG side of base game

Brings a much needed depth element to the game. Instead of making the map bigger or the timeline longer, accent is put on the "story" you are creating for your dynasty. An excellent expansion, the Focus mechanic will be useful in every game of CK2 you play, and all 10 of the Focuses have their advantages depending upon your character's circumstances and your play style.
Also it allows you to own a dog. What more do you want???

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition

The king of historical role playing gaming is back

Start the game at 5 pm when you get home from work, planning some fun till dinner is ready, look up at the clock it's already 4:30 in the morning and you have to go to work at 9. you choose to continue playing instead of going to sleep. yeah, it's that kind of game!

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Stellaris: Federations

Transforms boring politics in a good power tool to own

Play as The Empire vs The republic (or NATO vs Warsaw Pact) in the best space empire sim game ever designed.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance

Wanna be the CIA?

Give guns to rebels so they start an uprising to overthrow the government that rules over them. take over said country and put a collaborationist government in charge and forget about civil disorder. plant spies in your enemy's back yard and make them crumble from within.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

Crusader Kings II: Conclave

Pretty essential

The council in your realm actually adds more depth to the game as you will have to take into consideration their opinions as well as they might forbid you from easily doing everything you want. It's well worth buying as it makes the game more challenging and enjoyable.

by malefic, Spain - Jul 15th 2024

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