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Reviews by Krisztián H.

Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven

Nice addition

One of my favorite expanisions for several reasons:
Usefullness- unlike Mare Nostrum or Conquest of Paradise which are region specific or padded with features people rarely use, Mandate of Heaven provides features that are helpful to all nations. Edicts are great since you can pay gold for great trade, manpower or religion bonuses in your states. Ages are a nice side feature and gives you objectives as a nation.

by Krisztián H., - Mar 24th 2024

Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century

Dissapointing addition

Very little actual content here. The only interesting additions are expelling minorities and flag ships. Both of which are underwhelming mechanics (to say the least).

by Krisztián H., - Mar 24th 2024

Europa Universalis IV: Emperor

Must have

For those who like to play in Europe (Central Europe especially) this is a must have DLC, which really fleshes out the region. Plus there is an achievement to colonize australia as austria. I think I do not have to say anything else.

by Krisztián H., - Mar 24th 2024

Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan

One of the best DLC without the bugs

One of the best DLC in terms of gameplay impact. Monuments really help with the immersion and variability. The bugs, which caused an awful launch are no gone. Highly recommended expansion.

by Krisztián H., - Mar 24th 2024

Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum

Worst DLC so far

This dlc's content is rather poor in my opinion and I find myself using its few features really rarely. Buy this only if you want a full collection, it wont affect your gameplay experience as a good dlc should.

by Krisztián H., Hungary - Dec 8th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man

Do you want a great DLC for a good price?

Wait for a sale.
One of the "must have" DLC-s for EUIV, the Great Power features are really fun
not to mention the Prussian monarchy, but not for this price.

by Krisztián H., Hungary - Nov 20th 2017

Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks

A fine DLC

Nice new features, however the full price is bit too much for me.
I recommend it only on sale.

by Krisztián H., Hungary - Nov 20th 2017

Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense


Very nice new features, would definitely recommend for every EUIV fan.

by Krisztián H., Hungary - Jul 29th 2017

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