More planes

Not a lot to say about this: More (unique) planes in the sky's. If you enjoy the flavor that more unique models on the map bring, then sure, get this, else it really doesn't change anything in the gameplay.
![]() | – More planes
Not a lot to say about this: More (unique) planes in the sky's. If you enjoy the flavor that more unique models on the map bring, then sure, get this, else it really doesn't change anything in the gameplay. by Gert V., Netherlands - Sep 12th 2022
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![]() | – More events are always welcome
More events and more flavor in the game are always welcome, I do think that that it's a little expensive. The quality of live updates that came with the (free) patch that came with the DLC made up for that, and I understand that also the development of free patches needs to be funded so i'm ok with paying for this DLC in order to help that. by Gert V., Netherlands - Sep 12th 2022
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![]() | – Ruling over the entire universe without the chore of having to manage everything
I really liked the depht this DLC added to vassals. It's finally possible to play a game where you don't focus on direct conquest but stil have influence on how to best make use of all the (indirectly) controlled territory. I like to spend a lot of time optimizing my plannets/pops, but doing that on half the galaxy is a huge chore, now I can focus on my personal space and still get nice profits from the rest of the galaxy. Overall, imho it's very much worth the price (specialy when it's on sale) by Gert V., - Sep 2nd 2022
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![]() | – Buy it when it's on sale
I do like the music, it's very good, but in my humble opinion, compared to the price of a full DLC, it's a little expensive, I bought this on a good sale, and then it is worth it. by Gert V., - Sep 2nd 2022
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![]() | – Good and much needed DLC
The Soviet Union was long overdue for a makeover, and Imho this DLC gave that much needed rework. It added some unique mechanics which make for a more unique game and gave a lot of diferent branching options in the focus tree. by Gert V., - Sep 2nd 2022
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![]() | – Adds flavor and depth to the game
It really adds something to hear the famous words of Curchill "We shal fight on the beaches", huge Churchill fan, a great orator, had the privilege of recently visiting the war rooms in London. If you are like me and love history (which I imagine most HoI4 players do) you will like this little DLC. by Gert V., Netherlands - May 13th 2022
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![]() | – Beter then expected
IMHO EU4 has run its course, it feels complete and new additions just seem to 'bloat' the game more... That being said, if the devs are going to keep working on the game this is a good way to do so. In the free patch just fix/enhance/debug existing mechanics and add paid content that is basically just flavor for specific regions without mayor new global mechanics. by Gert V., Netherlands - Nov 22nd 2021
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![]() | – Must play for any 4X fan
I really like how they managed to balance so much around the concept of age transitioning. Do you go quickly to the next age so that you get to choose from all options and can advance further in your tech-tree or do you wait to collect more objectives/points since this is what leads to victory? Overall enjoyed the game a lot, a fresh take on the 4X genre. by Gert V., Netherlands - Nov 11th 2021
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![]() | – Release was a mess now it's decent
I waited with this review until after the first hotfixes, because as everyone can see by the rest of the reviews, the release was a total mess. Now, with 4 hotfix patches out, it works well, I have been playing a game now and i'm having fun, without any problems so far. I don't agree with all the design choices made for the DLC/patch, but in general it's decent now. But I would wait for it to be in a discount before I would buy it. by Gert V., Netherlands - Jun 9th 2021
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![]() | – So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.
I know the patch that came with the DLC has some issues (that I hope will be addressed soon), specialy the weird 'wall' to pop growth... But this is a review about the DLC, not the patch. The DLC is very good, I love that I can finaly go full Palpatine basically unite the galaxy by diplomacy. Or, of course, as fanatic xenophobe, just explode the galaxy. Imho it's a good adition to an already amazing game. by Gert V., Netherlands - Apr 28th 2021
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![]() | – Much needed patch + dlc for the game
First of all, it's hard to separate the free 2.0 update from this DLC, I bought the DLC at the day the patch came out, so both get kind of intertwined.. But I'll try to keep the review mostly about the DLC itself. The new mission trees give a lot more flavor and give the diferent nations a more unique playthrough, something this game needed a lot. The Legions (and the honors they gain) really gave more flavor and more immersion to the gameplay, added with the wonders that give more life to the world (I really like that you actualy see what you build on the map). Overall it's a DLC worth buying specialy since it's quite cheap for all the work that went into the free patch + dlc. by Gert V., Netherlands - Feb 17th 2021
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![]() | – Amazing Art
First of all, the art for this one (specialy the ships) is amazing. The concept is cool as well, and it adds some unique playstyle which is always nice (more diversity is always good). Only sad thing is that they (imho) missed a chance of possible adding a new ascension type as well. But overall, a good DLC for a solid price. The patch that came with the DLC was also a very much needed patch that improved the AI a lot compared to how it was before this patch. by Gert V., Netherlands - Nov 8th 2020
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![]() | – Good flavor for specific nations
If you like playing as the nations that got their own unique faocus trees (Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria) then this is certainly worth your money. The trees are well done and add multiple options for diferent replays with those nations. But if you normaly only play as the mayor participants of the war, then this DLC will probably add very little for you, that is why I reviewed it with 3 stars since the value of this DLC changes a lot with how (as who) you play the game. So it's more then 3 stars if you plan to play as those nations (specialy multiple times) and less if you are never going to play as them anyway. by Gert V., Netherlands - Oct 22nd 2020
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![]() | – Just amazing.
Everything in this game just feels 'right', from the amazing 3D art of the characters and the interactions between them, until the UI, which just does what you want it to do in an intuitive way. I now understand why Paradox took so long developing this game, they delivered a complete game, bigger and more alive then any game they made so far. by Gert V., Netherlands - Sep 1st 2020
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![]() | – Pricy but beautiful
I prefer that they just add the content packs to the DLC, so imho this should just be part of the Emperor DLC... BUT they did add more art then they normaly do and some very high quality art. And, given that it's totaly optional so no one is forced to spend their money on it to get the complete gameplay I guess it's fine. by Gert V., Netherlands - Jun 23rd 2020
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![]() | – The biggest DLC for EU4 so far
This is certainly the biggest DLC made for EU4 so far, it focuses on the core of EU4, Europe, religion, the balance of power, the HRE. Bringing a lot more depth and flavor to those mechanics. Finaly removes some 'buttons for X' (the old estate interactions) and add a more realistic and dynamic system. So far I'm liking it a lot. Tonight going to start my first multiplayer with some friends, lets see how that goes! by Gert V., Netherlands - Jun 11th 2020
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![]() | – Good DLC
It's a solid DLC, worth the money (specialy on a sale). I had some fun playthroughs with it. Specialy the diferent focus-trees are well done and make it possible to have diferent playthroughs with the same countries. (France / Spain / Portugal) by Gert V., Netherlands - May 15th 2020
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![]() | – Very solid DLC
Finally federations got a use, before this DLC I used to avoid federations and just conquered everything, now I actualy try to get a federation going because it's finaly worth it. But, all that said, the best thing about this DLC are the origins, they add a lot more choices for your empire on creation, making empires feel more unique. by Gert V., Netherlands - May 15th 2020