Reviews |

Reviews by MrCookieCrisps

Diaper Dash

Have to do an unorthodoxed way of fixing the game, but it works!

The game will boot up in a minimized, smaller window; seemingly soft locking the computer (can't even force quit.) But surpirsingly, the game is open but not displaying. I originally thought you had to put your Mac into sleep mode to get out of that window, but you simply just have to click the side of the screen. Opening it back up from the dock should display correctly.

Like other PlayFirst games, some of their cutscenes rely on Flash, which was discontinued years ago. Luckily for this game, you can just click past them like they were there. You can remove them manually by going into the files. I've posted how to do that on multiple PlayFirst store pages that require you to do it.

In terms of the game, it's alright. Not bad, but also not good. Just another PlayFirst time management game. Only difference is the quick swap mechanic; switching a baby out with another baby, with a bonus if they're both a boy or girl.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Dec 18th 2023

Fitness Dash

Odd windowed glitch when launching, but easy to get around!

Just like Diaper Dash, the game has an odd glitch where you'll be in a zoomed in, minimized window. All you need to do is click on the side to bring you back to your desktop and go back to the game via your dock. You may get a missing plugin since Flash was discontinued years ago, but you can click past it.

If it really bugs you, you can go into the files and delete the Flash required cutscenes. I have instructions how to do it on other PlayFirst games that have to be edited.

For the game, it's easily one of the best since Cooking Dash. The only issue I had was the big guy sweating; by the time he's sweating in excess, he's already peeved off the customers. During the tutorial, it showed little dropplets before he started to really sweat. Don't know if it's glitched or the game can get so fast it's hard to pay attention to his characters, but it was annoying having to go into red alert when he starts heavily sweating.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Dec 18th 2023

Hotel Dash 2: Lost Luxuries

Other than the game slightly being zoomed in at full screen, works perfectly on 10.14 Mojave

Luckily the area blocked by the glitched zoom doesn't hide any selections or choices - you can still play in windowed mode if you want it to be in native view.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 13th 2023

Wedding Dash 4-Ever

Soft locking/crashing can be fixed by going in files, but game itself is overwhelming and unnecessarily confusing

1. Go to Finder and find Wedding Dash 4-Ever in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Inside the game's folder is another folder with the Mac game itself; right click it and choose 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click. 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources and then assets.

4. Unlike some of the other Diner Dash games, which has the same issue, Wedding Dash has all of Flash required 'comics' for new areas in one folder simply called 'Comics' with the outdated .swf files inside. You can either outright delete the folder or the .swf files themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

Once you get into the game, the modes have some nice variety, but an odd decision was to make each meal in bulk; meaning you pick up a tray to feed the wedding guests, you'll have 3 meals instead of just one (like from the older games.) It doesn't help that Flo (the waitress/Diner Dash server) and Quinn (the wedding planner) will sometimes cross paths and get confused on who should do what - soft locking the game (at least of a perfect score) as that one dilemma can't be done.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 13th 2023

Diner Dash 5: BOOM!

As others have mentioned, prologue and epilogue comic cutscenes soft lock the game - this can fixed though!

1. Go to Finder and find Diner Dash 5 Boom in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Right click the icon and click 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click, 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources and then assets. restaurants.

4. Inside the restaurant folder are the files for each location in the game; all of them have one folder called 'Comics' with a .swf file for the beginning and ending of each. You can either outright delete the folders each or just the files inside the folders themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

In terms of gameplay, PlayFirst gave some new variety, but wasn't tedious to work with like the last two. Too bad this was their last PC first Diner Dash game.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Wedding Dash: Ready, Aim , Love!

Doesn't support MacOS 10.9+ due to Adobe Flash being discontinued, but there is a workaround!

1. Go to Finder and find Wedding Dash: Ready Aim Love in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Inside the game's folder is another folder with the Mac game itself; right click it and choose 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click. 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources and then assets.

4. Unlike some of the other Diner Dash games, which has the same issue, Wedding Dash has all of Flash required 'comics' for new areas in one folder simply called 'Comics' with the outdated .swf files inside. You can either outright delete the folder or the .swf files themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Diner Dash: Flo Through Time

Same issue as previous game (Hometown Hero) which can also be fixed, but adds upon the frustrating mechanics of the Seasonal Pack

It wasn't until Adobe blocked support for Flash in 2021 that it revealed the reason this didn't work post MacOS 10.9 Mavericks; the beginning of new area cutscenes. This can be fixed by doing the following.

1. Go to Finder and find Diner Dash: Flo Through Time in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Right click the icon and click 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click. 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources, assets, downloads, _default, and restaurants.

4. Each folder are the locations in the game; all of them have one folder called 'Comics' with a .swf file. You can either outright delete the folders or just the files themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

When you get into the game, there's a mechanic where you have to give attention to a creature (in the first area, it's a dinosaur.) If you don't give it attention, it will have a temper tantrum until they're comforted. Frankly, PlayFirst seemed to be trying too much to 'freshen' the time management formula and in doing so, got rid of the fun factor - getting more comfortable you play, the game gets harder.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Diner Dash: Seasonal Snack Pack

Has the same issues the base game (Hometown Hero) has, which can be fixed with tweaking, but game itself is not only tougher, but unfair

It wasn't until Adobe blocked support for Flash in 2021 that it revealed the reason this didn't work post MacOS 10.10 Yosemite; the beginning of new area cutscenes. This can be fixed by doing the following.

1. Go to Finder and find Diner Dash: Seasonal Snack Pack in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Right click the icon and click 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click. 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources, assets, downloads, _default, and restaurants.

4. Each folder are the locations in the game; all of them have one folder called 'Comics' with a .swf file. You can either outright delete the folders or just the files themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

Now when you actually get to the game, it's great to see some challenge in Dash series, but at the same time, it's quite unfair. For example, there's new mechanics that require you to not only pick up a tool, but bring it back when you're done with it. It doesn't help when some customers suddenly stop needing the tool (to fix a mess, serve drinks, etc,.) and it messes up your system.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue

Does work on 10.14 Mojave

Got in the mood for the classic 'Dash' series (Diner Dash, Shop Hop series, etc,) and decided to try all of the demos even if some say they're not supported by the last 32-bit MacOS release.

Surpirsingly, this one worked flawlessly! Maybe there's a late game breaking bug, but at least in the beginning, there's no visible issues.

Granted, I still wouldn't recommend anything over 10.9 Marvericks (besides 10.14) unless another user says the coast is clear on other 10.9+ versions :)

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Diner Dash - Flo On The Go

Does work on 10.14 Mojave

Got in the mood for the classic 'Dash' series (Diner Dash, Shop Hop series, etc,) and decided to try all of the demos even if some say they're not supported by the last 32-bit MacOS release.

The game runs perfectly, but an odd glitch is your character (Flo's) outfits in the closet. The game will say its one thing, but will be completely different in-game. This also applies to clothes you unlock when you progress.

Granted, I still wouldn't recommend anything over 10.9 Marvericks (besides 10.14) unless another user says the coast is clear on other 10.9+ versions :)

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Diner Dash: Hometown Hero

Doesn't work out of the box, but can be fixed with a little tinkering on 10.14 Mojave

If you don't want a history lesson, the solution is at the end; this game is infamous on compatiblity issues, even on PC/Steam. For years people didn't know why you couldn't play the story missions (as it will crash during the first level,) but did work on the Mac version. It wasn't until the beginning of 2021 that it was figured out Adobe Flash (which is 'required' to play this game) was the culprit; as Adobe not only stopped supporting it, but outright blocked Flash usuage.

It was figured out the cutscenes were the issue; and even with Flash being disabled, the game would still load the cutscenes with a 'missing plug-in' texture. On PC it was figured out, but on Mac I had to do a little digging. Partial credit to drummer.clark on Steam.

1. Go to Finder and find Diner Dash Hometown Hero in your Applications section or in a folder for MacGameStore. Right click the icon and click 'show package contents.'

2. The folder you're looking for is hidden for security reasons. First click on the Contents folder then resources and enter on the keyboard at the same time Command+Shift+. (the period key.) You'll see a lone new folder called 'Game.'

3. You'll find the base game which has all the info for the game to run. Like last time, right click. 'show package contents,' and go into contents. Now go to resources, assets, downloads, _default, and restaurants.

4. Each folder are the locations in the game; all of them have one folder called 'Comics' with a .swf file. You can either outright delete the folders or just the files themselves.

5. The only issue you'll have now is during the loadup with the same 'missing plugin' - I'm sure there's another file you can delete to outright skip it, but you can just click anywhere to skip it (it's probably just the game company logo.)

When you finally get into the story mode, it runs perfectly! And all it took was a company taking away their product that used by hundreds of programs!

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Cooking Academy

Sadly doesn't work on MacOS Mojave (10.14)

Game ended up freezing my whole computer as trying to open (or close it with) Force Quit did nothing

by MrCookieCrisps, - Nov 11th 2023

Uno Undercover

More of a time waster than an actual game of Uno

I was surpirsed this worked as it was made 10+ years ago and it's no longer on the shop unless you already have it downloaded or you searched for it on Google.

In terms of gameplay, you can challenge people that don't say UNO, but that doesn't matter. At least for the Adventure/Story Mode, challenging and not challenging not saying UNO doesn't make a difference. The AI will always let you win and will ALWAYS draw a card when they only have one left, even if they selected a color with their second to last card.

Fun since it's still UNO, but no strategy required and time waster as you'll always win.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Jul 24th 2020

Pet Shop Hop

Does work on 10.13 High Sierra with minor glitching, but perfectly on 10.14 Mojave

Got in the mood for the classic 'Dash' series (Diner Dash, Shop Hop series, etc,) and decided to try all of the demos even if some say they're not supported by 10.13+ anymore.

The first two games I tried unsurprisingly froze my Mac, but when I tried this game, it ran very well, with a few, minor graphical bugs; game cursor + Mac cursor overlayed to each other and a quick resolution glitch when starting the game. Neither were or are game breaking, so for any 10.13 High Sierra users out there, this game is still playable and enoyable if you like these types of games. Mojave on the other hand (now years later) still has the quick resolution glitch when launching, but the icon overplay issue is gone!

To be safe, I wouldn't recommend anything over 10.6 Snow Leopard (besides High Sierra and Mojave) unless another user says the coast is clear on other 10.7+ versions :)

by MrCookieCrisps, - Feb 18th 2019

Dress Shop Hop

Game does not work on 10.13 High Sierra, but surprisingly does on 10.14 Mojave

I was previously going through all of the 'Dash' games (Diner Dash, Cooking Dash, etc,.) years ago and decided to demo the ones that say are still compatible and see how they do.

On High Sierra, this game totally just froze my Mac in a 800x600 white screen. Had to hard lock my Mac to get out of it. But now in 2023, still running Mojave OS strong, it ended up working.

So seemingly, the only people that should avoid this is 10.13 High Sierra and 10.12 Sierra (which I discovered in my original review) users. This game is still pretty fun and adds a little spin to the gameplay in the form of Cake Mania like actions.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Feb 18th 2019

Cooking Dash - DinerTown Studios

Does work on 10.13 High Sierra

Just like Pet Shop Hop, this game, too, can still be played (at least on a High Sierra Mac) even with no compatiblity support.

Gameplay wise: More of the same of the first Cooking Dash, with a couple new mechanics/designs. If you liked the first one, you'll like this as a part 2.

I'd recommend this for 10.13 High Sierra owners, but nothing above 10.9 Mavericks to be safe.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Feb 18th 2019

Soap Opera Dash

Broken, but not unplayable for High Sierra and can only be played in windowed mode for Mojave

Granted, the store page says this game is only supported by 10.5 (Leopard) to 10.8 Mountain Lion. For High Sierra, If you can deal with strange flickering moment (only happened to me once,) the resolution staying in a 800x600 full screen window, game crashing when you try to go into windowed mode, and Mac/game cursor overlapping or adding a line of dots below them, this game is still very solid, as it's much more challenging than the other 'Dash' games.

For Mojave, the only issue is full screen is zoomed in and doesn't fill the screen properly - so the only ideal way to play is windowed, which luckily doesn't crash on Mojave!

Going by the other reviews, I'd still only recommend MacOS 10.5 - 10.8 and, as long as you're OK with some issues, 10.13 - 10.14 users.

by MrCookieCrisps, - Feb 18th 2019

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