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Reviews by Xirtam

Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan

Improve your empire internally

Leviathans gives you many additional options to "build tall". More state and province level options have been added, Monuments, which are historial structures in the world, give unique bonuses for owning repairing/improving them. More options to spend your admin points on infrastructure which gives tons of bonuses and makes building up smaller nations alot more fun in my opinion. If you like more internal management or starting off as smaller nations, would recommend this DLC.

by Xirtam, United States - Sep 18th 2022

Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus

More interesting minors

Adds alot more depth to a bunch of European Minors. Makes that region alot more interesting. However it doesnt add much outside that. Good Expo if you are looking for more to do in HOI4, but i wouldnt say its a must buy.

by Xirtam, United States - Apr 27th 2021

Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition

Better than Crusader Kings 2

Crusader Kings 3 is a large improvement on many features of crusader kings 2. Better and more clear Genetic traits process during marriage. The new Dynasty additions add alot more detail and depth to running not only your court but your entire bloodline. Combat units and phases are much more clear and they have more details on the units and how to properly use each. While it is lacking some features CK2 had with all the dlc, that is to be expected with Paradoc's game plan but i can say CK3 has alot more available to you at release then ck2 had. Love the New engine they use to, cant wait to see how they use it for their other titles.

by Xirtam, United States - Nov 14th 2020

Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century

Good If you want to expand your play through for certain nations

Golden Century DLC adds new options and features for most of the Iberian and North African Nations in the game as well as pirate nations. The Mission Trees, Governments, and Events add a nice flare and dept to the nations that are highlighted in the DLC. If you are not interested in the nations outlined then most of the other general features are nice but added in the free update to the base game. Like other "Immersion Packs" this DLC was very targeted, so if the features outlined are not something interested in, you can skip.

by Xirtam, USA - Dec 11th 2018

Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords

More depth

Adds more depth to trade, by allowing non merchant governments to use trade routes. also expands on horde nations.

by Xirtam, USA - Sep 5th 2015

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