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Reviews by sarahholmwood

Layers of Fear

Está bien.

Al principio me aburrí mucho y pensé que no valía la pena, que no había nada por qué asustarse, solo me estresaba la oscuridad.

Luego le subí el brillo y se puso bueno.

Tal vez sería bueno pintar el cuatro una vez al día, no más, porque al final te satura tanto jumpscare.

[At first I got bored and thought it was not worth it, that there was nothing to be scared of, only the darkness stressed me out.

Then I raised the brightness and it got good.

Maybe it would be good to paint the four once a day, no more, because in the end it saturates you so much jumpscare.]

by sarahholmwood, Costa Rica - May 14th 2018


I played it for 32 hours.

It is repetitive, yes, but at the same time, each time you start it is different.

The achievements make you continue to start a new adventure.

by sarahholmwood, Costa Rica - May 14th 2018

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

It's okay

Its great for playing with another friend, good enough.

by sarahholmwood, Costa Rica - Apr 10th 2017

Among the Sleep

Short but good.

I'd say I loved that this game was short. Otherwise I'd have never finished it.
It's creepy, it's shocking, it's scary.

by sarahholmwood, Costa Rica - Jul 22nd 2016

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