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Reviews by Banana20

Total War™: ATTILA - The Last Roman Campaign Pack

Good campaign

It is very fun campaign that lets you reshape history

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition


If you like old style rpgs like baldurs gate you will love this game.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense Content Pack

Good content pack

The music is good and the unit packs are ok.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA - Celts Culture Pack

Not fun

The celts are not a fun culture group to play as.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Catholic League Unit Pack

Mediocre unit pack

Dosen't add so much but it's ok if you want more immersion.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado Content Pack

Good music that you don't get to hear

The music is only played in the americas so if your not there you don't get to hear it

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA - Slavic Nations Culture Pack

Not much to do

There isn't realty much to do in this campaign so it can be quite boring.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA - Empires of Sand Culture Pack

A fun chalange

You will be in the middle between Persia and the byzantine empire and it's a fun challenge to play.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Europa Universalis IV: Songs of War Music Pack

Good war music

The music is great and really gets you in the mood to wage war.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA - Longbeards Culture Pack

A fun campaign

You will be waging war on the western roman empire and it's really fun to try to bring them to their knees.

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA - Blood and Burning Pack

Cash grab

I expect blood to be in my games, this is just a blatant cash grab

by Banana20, Sweden - May 28th 2018

Total War™: ATTILA

A good game in a poor setting

This time CA has finally managed to get the impact detection to a acceptable state for a total war game, you will see more shield pushing and cavalry charges has much greater effect as the they should. Combat feels better than ever compared to other modern total war games.

It is just to bad that the setting of the game is really not that interesting. You will either play as the falling western empire, A defensive eastern empire, or as a rampaging horde leaving little place for nation building that we previously enjoyed.

by Banana20, Sweden - Jan 4th 2018

Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords

A mediocre addition

This expansion can totaly be skipped because it serves no purpose in a game suposed to simulate the political situation and court intrigue in the dark ages. Playing as a nomad isn't really that fun and if you are playing in europe this DLC only adds the mercenary band system that you can live without.

by Banana20, Sweden - Jan 4th 2018

Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords Content Pack

A ok reskin

The unit reskins are nice and worth to have if you like your troops to have some uniqueness

by Banana20, Sweden - Jan 4th 2018

Crusader Kings II: The Reaper's Due

A good additon

The diseases are a nice addition and adds to the roleplay factor of the game. You will see minor diseases spreading from the start of the game and spread slowly from province to province. You can build hospitals to try to prevent the spread but in the games I have played the AI rarely build those.

by Banana20, Sweden - Jan 4th 2018

The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna


The dlc is good and realy is a great value

by Banana20, Sweden - Aug 31st 2017

Crusader Kings II: Conclave Content Pack


This content pack adds a couple of new stuff but it's overpriced

by Banana20, Sweden - May 21st 2016

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