Digital Goods Explained
A digital good (also known as a digital single or a paid digital download) is an official
and legal game product available for license through an online store. Popular examples of online
digital stores that sell digital goods include the Mac App Store and Steam.
In the case of "Serial Only" or "Key Only" purchases (such as for Steam), you are only given the key that
must be entered into a 3rd party Service to grant license rights to the Digital Goods within their Service,
following the Terms of Service they have you agree too.
Digital goods are often encoded with Digital Rights Management (DRM) that restricts making additional
copies of the game or playing from multiple locations at the same time. Most DRM are in the form
of serial code required. This means some purchases from this store will send you a Registration Serial Code
that you will enter into the Fully Downloaded Game Product. Or the serial is automatically entered during an
installation process from an approved Store Library Management Application.
The download of a game product is also done in one of two ways. Either by downloading the Demo, which is
unlocked with a Serial Code after purchase, or by downloading the Full Game from a licensed URL that is
sent to you upon purchase. Or both in some cases.
Some notes about Digital Goods:
- Digital Goods purchases will not be physically shipped out to you.
- Digital Goods purchases are not normally refundable if its a "Key Only" purchase (like Steam).
- In some states and countries, a Purchase is only a "License to use" the Digital Good.
If you would like to read more information about the ordering process, or frequently asked questions, please head over to the Support Center.
MacGameStore / WinGameStore is an authorized retailer of digital products through relations with 1000+ publishers & developers. No gray-market worries here!
Originally began by shipping games in the 90s. Much has changed over the decades, and getting games into the hands of Mac & PC gamers is still our focus!