- Global Session cookies (site functionality, required why? )
There are two core session cookies always set for any and all website use.
These cookies are absolutely required for the continued security and functionality of the site, and do not contain personal information.
- Sign In security cookies (for accounts only, required why? )
If you sign up for a shopper account, these cookies maintain your active signed in state.
If you remain a guest visitor, then these cookies are never set nor used.
If you opt into 2-factor authentication, a second cookie is set on your device for added security.
- Affiliate commissions cookies (please opt-in! why? )
If you came to us from an Affiliate website, it is encouraged you enable this cookie so that your favorite affiliate website will earn their commissions!
This cookie does not contain personal information and is more to identify the affiliate, than you.
- Google analytics cookie set (non essential info )
(optional) Google Analytics cookies are used to distinguish users on a website to generate statistical information about their use of the website.
These are non essential to actually using our services or making purchases.
- All social media cookies (non essential info )
(optional) Trustpilot, Facebook and Twitter social media sharing buttons come with a plethora of various cookies they set and maintain.
Which appear to change often, and in quantity.
To find out more about them, please visit Trustpilot, Facebook and Twitter and read their cookie policies.
These are non essential unless you wish to either
(i) Log In / Sign Up using Facebook Connect, or
(ii) Share games and deals to friends through Facebook or Twitter.
(iii) Know that you have submitted a rating and review on Trustpilot.